Our Way

Creating value in the world
Sister Heart is an Aboriginal majority owned business (77.5%) that is owned by two Pilbara Aboriginal businesses, Emu Nest and Brindabella.  The shareholders within this partnership are composed of six Aboriginal Families with beneficiaries from the Palyku, Nyiyaparli, Kariyarra, Yindjibarndi, Banjima, Nyamal, Noongar and Yuet peoples. The company is led by two Aboriginal women who are experienced company directors.

The Sister Heart Way

Sister Heart creates value in the world by following ‘The Sister Heart Way’, which is a combination of our purpose, kinship and values and is inspired by the worldview framework of Emu Nest, one of our key shareholders.

Our Purpose

We use our business to change the lives of Aboriginal women, children and families and make a difference in our communities.

Sister Heart believes that empowering Aboriginal women economically is essential to overcoming Aboriginal poverty and other health and social issues faced by Aboriginal communities.  Aboriginal women who are economically empowered contribute more to their families, societies, national economics and invest extra income in their children and family.  This provides a route to sustainable development and a self-determining future.  Sister Heart is built on a platform of different Aboriginal families that are led by Aboriginal women, coming together to build an economic future. We believe Aboriginal women and Aboriginal families are stronger when they stand together.

Our Kinship

The Sister Heart kinship network is composed of the relationships between our employees, shareholders, suppliers, customers and the communities in which we belong, work and live. We can only achieve our purpose with sustainable relationships with our kinship network.

who bring their passion, ideas, discipline, talents and networks


who support us with critical goods and services


who are invested in a long term vision and do not seek short term gains


who are committed to the empowerment of women and Aboriginal people


who support us because we support them

Our Values

Our values guide how we nurture the relationships in our kinship network, how we make decisions and the kind of behaviour we want to model in our actions.

We All Have Value

Each part of our kinship network has a necessary role to play by bringing their passion, ideas and discipline to empowering women and Aboriginal people.

We Are All Accountable

We are all accountable for our kinship network and take responsibility over our choices, behaviours and actions so that we can continuously improve.

We All Belong

We foster a sense of belonging to each other and all parts of the kinship network by being inclusive, supportive and operating like a family. 

We Trust Each Other

We are prepared to sacrifice some of our own self-interest to build the capacity, resilience and value of others in the kinship network.  Trust is created by looking after others and having others look after you.

Contact Us

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